:local sysname [/system identity get name];
:local sysver [/system package get system version];
:local smtpserv [:resolve "smtp сервер"];
:local Eaccount "мыло админа";
:local pass "пароль";
:local PingCount 3;
:local InterfaceWan pppoe-rt;
:local Interface3G ppp-3G;
:local CheckIp;
:local Use3G false;
:local WANstatus [/interface get [/interface find name="$InterfaceWan"] running];
:if ($WANstatus=false) do={
:set Use3G true;
} else {
:local CheckMainISP [/ping $CheckIp count=$PingCount interface=$InterfaceWan];
:if ($CheckMainISP=3) do={
:set Use3G false;
} else {
:set Use3G true;
:local 3Gstatus [/interface get [/interface find name="$Interface3G"] running];
:if ($Use3G=true) do={
if ($3Gstatus=false) do={
/interface enable [find name="$Interface3G"];
:log warning "Set routes to 3G";
:delay 2;
/tool e-mail send from="<$Eaccount>" to=$Eaccount server=$smtpserv port=587 user=$Eaccount password=$pass start-tls=yes subject=("$sysname Switch to 3G (" . [/system clock get date] . ")") body=("$sysname Switch to 3G.\nRouterOS version: $sysver\nTime and Date stamp: " . [/system clock get time] . " " . [/system clock get date]);
} else {
:if ($3Gstatus=true) do={
/interface disable [find name="$Interface3G"];
:log warning "Set routes to RT";
:delay 2;
/tool e-mail send from="<$Eaccount>" to=$Eaccount server=$smtpserv port=587 user=$Eaccount password=$pass start-tls=yes subject=("$sysname Switch to RT (" . [/system clock get date] . ")") body=("$sysname Switch to RT.\nRouterOS version: $sysver\nTime and Date stamp: " . [/system clock get time] . " " . [/system clock get date]);
:local sysver [/system package get system version];
:local smtpserv [:resolve "smtp сервер"];
:local Eaccount "мыло админа";
:local pass "пароль";
:local PingCount 3;
:local InterfaceWan pppoe-rt;
:local Interface3G ppp-3G;
:local CheckIp;
:local Use3G false;
:local WANstatus [/interface get [/interface find name="$InterfaceWan"] running];
:if ($WANstatus=false) do={
:set Use3G true;
} else {
:local CheckMainISP [/ping $CheckIp count=$PingCount interface=$InterfaceWan];
:if ($CheckMainISP=3) do={
:set Use3G false;
} else {
:set Use3G true;
:local 3Gstatus [/interface get [/interface find name="$Interface3G"] running];
:if ($Use3G=true) do={
if ($3Gstatus=false) do={
/interface enable [find name="$Interface3G"];
:log warning "Set routes to 3G";
:delay 2;
/tool e-mail send from="<$Eaccount>" to=$Eaccount server=$smtpserv port=587 user=$Eaccount password=$pass start-tls=yes subject=("$sysname Switch to 3G (" . [/system clock get date] . ")") body=("$sysname Switch to 3G.\nRouterOS version: $sysver\nTime and Date stamp: " . [/system clock get time] . " " . [/system clock get date]);
} else {
:if ($3Gstatus=true) do={
/interface disable [find name="$Interface3G"];
:log warning "Set routes to RT";
:delay 2;
/tool e-mail send from="<$Eaccount>" to=$Eaccount server=$smtpserv port=587 user=$Eaccount password=$pass start-tls=yes subject=("$sysname Switch to RT (" . [/system clock get date] . ")") body=("$sysname Switch to RT.\nRouterOS version: $sysver\nTime and Date stamp: " . [/system clock get time] . " " . [/system clock get date]);
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